Last month 21 governors from across the United States came together to launch a new coalition called the Reproductive Freedom Alliance. The Reproductive Freedom Alliance is committed to expanding abortion access in their states and providing access to those outside of their states, making it the largest such coalition ever convened.
What is the Reproductive Freedom Alliance?
The Alliance is a coalition of governors who desire to see abortion expanded across the United States.
The Alliance is a response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and other victories achieved by the pro-life movement. Commitment to this sentiment was confirmed with California leading the way when Governor Newsom cut ties with Walgreens over it’s decision for refusing to distribute abortion pills in states with laws banning or restricting abortion after state attorney generals warned them not to.
How Will the Reproductive Freedom Alliance Work?
The alliance states they will work together to advance abortion in their states, and to those within states that have outlawed abortion. The Alliance will share practices, strategies, and resources to protect and expand abortion. The Alliance will also work to influence public policy and opinion in hope of expanding access at the grassroots level in other states.
The major funding for the Reproductive Freedom Alliance is provided by the California Wellness Foundation with additional support from the Rosenberg Foundation.
Joint Statement from the Alliance
The abortionist governors of the 21 represented states put out the following statement, “As governors representing more than 170 million people across every region of the country, we are standing with all people who believe in reproductive freedom and health care. We are standing with them to say, ‘enough.’ In the face of this unprecedented assault by states hostile to abortion rights and their enablers in the courts, we are pledging to work together to strengthen abortion firewalls across America. This fight isn’t over.”
Final Thoughts
Abortionists are scrambling to find a way to stem the tide of the victories that the Lord Jesus Christ has gained through the pro-life movement. PreBorn!’s mission is to continue saving more babies and souls. We do this by leading, supporting, and equipping Pregnancy Clinics so they can connect with women in their time of need and empower them to choose life for their babies.
Thank you for your continued support and for your prayers.