“Kesha” walked into one of PreBorn!’s Network Clinics in Texas and poured out her heart to the nurse sonographer telling her all about her financial pressures, not having a job, having a newborn baby who spent the last four months in the NICU, and worst of all, she was pregnant again.
The nurse simply told her, “Kesha, don’t jump ship. We can get you a referral for an OB physician who can answer your questions.”
Circumstances began to change quickly for Kesha. The nurse gave Kesha hope for employment as she shared with her that the owner of an industrial cleaning company had reached out to the Clinic wanting to provide work for single moms.
Moments later, Kesha saw her seven week-old baby on the ultrasound and was mesmerized by the sound of a healthy beating heart. She smiled and said, “Maybe God is telling me I can do this after all.” The two women prayed together and asked the Lord to take care of Kesha throughout her pregnancy and into the future.
Kesha left the pregnancy Clinic with a new outlook on her future and a deep love for both her newborn baby and her preborn baby. Kesha chose life and life more abundantly!