Janeen and her boyfriend, Simon, went to a PreBorn! Network Clinic for a walk-in appointment. At the time, Janeen believed she was two weeks pregnant, and the couple told the Clinic that they were searching for a “workable solution.” While the couple was committed to each other, they both agreed the timing was off to have a baby. 

Separate Encounters 

Even though the couple went to the Clinic together, they were split up to have separate counseling. Thankfully, a male Client Advocate was available to be with Simon while Janeen went with her Client Advocate for a pregnancy test and evaluation.  

Simon’s side of the story

Simon agreed to chat with a male Client Advocate while he waited for Janeen. During the conversation, Simon shared that he was a Christian. Having a child and raising a family was something he and Janeen desired for the future. It just wasn’t supposed to be now. Simon said they were too young. Janeen planned to enlist in the military, and he wanted to support her in her career aspirations. 

The Client Advocate gave Simon an informational brochure explaining the different pregnancy options, going into detail about abortion, adoption, and parenting. The advocate silently prayed for Simon as he read, asking the Holy Spirit to touch Simon’s heart and open his eyes to the truth. 

Janeen’s counseling and ultrasound

Janeen shared with her Client Advocate that they wanted an abortion, but wanted to be certain they had all the necessary information before moving forward. 

Janeen took a lab-quality pregnancy test, which showed that she was pregnant. She was 100% decided on having an abortion.  

To Janeen, the pregnancy was merely a problem to be solved, in that she wanted it to disappear. After discussing her options and receiving counseling, Janeen agreed to an ultrasound. 

The ultrasound revealed a six-week, three-day-old baby with a quick and steady heartbeat. Janeen was shocked, previously speculating she could only be a few weeks along. 

Immediately, her perspective changed. For her, a heartbeat meant life, and she could not take the life of her baby. Just as quickly, she decided to delay her plans to pursue the military–being a mom would have to come first. Janeen’s motherly instincts, upon seeing her baby on the ultrasound, took her out of survival mode and illuminated the innate, sacrificial love a mother has for her baby. 

Coming Back Together  

Because Janeen did not invite Simon into the ultrasound room with her, she expected to have to explain her change of heart and try to convince him to change his mind about the abortion as well. Yet, when the couple came back together, they both expressed the desire to parent. 

While Janeen was encountering their baby on ultrasound, Simon’s heart was changing simultaneously. Ezekiel 36:26 (NKJV) says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” The Holy Spirit certainly gave Simon a new heart. After reading the brochure, he said they couldn’t possibly go through with the abortion. 

The thought of parenting at such a young age was daunting, but they also couldn’t deny the life growing inside of Janeen. They had peace and certainty about choosing life. As they were leaving the appointment, Janeen even reaffirmed their decision to parent.  

The young couple’s minds were buzzing with excitement, planning their next steps, and they made a follow-up appointment two weeks later. What a stark contrast from the beginning of the appointment. Before, the couple needed a quick fix to move on with their plans, but now, their baby was the plan. 


Janeen and Simon’s story is beautiful evidence of the PreBorn! Network Clinic’s reliance on the Holy Spirit to do the important counseling. For instance, the male Client Advocate who spoke with Simon, yielded to the Holy Spirit when Simon reviewed the brochure. Instead of trying to intervene and convince Simon on his own, he silently prayed, believing the Holy Spirit would move in quiet, but mighty ways.  

This couple was 100% convinced to have an abortion, yet they both simultaneously had a 180-degree change of heart while in separate parts of the Clinic. It only happened by the Spirit of God who is truly our Wonderful Counselor. Janeen went from being unfazed by a potential abortion to being completely in love with her baby.  

You can be the reason couples like Janeen and Simon experience life-changing moments, choosing life with confidence. 


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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