Amber visited a PreBorn! Network Provider with three children at home, ready to abort her fourth child. She and her husband were struggling to make ends meet, and an unplanned pregnancy was simply not an option for them. They scheduled an abortion on three separate occasions, but God had other plans.
The couple’s first appointment was scheduled at Planned Parenthood. On the way, however, the couple became stuck in traffic due to an accident and missed the appointment. Although Amber and her husband called about their appointment, the organization told them they wouldn’t have enough time to squeeze them in. This traffic, while frustrating for Amber and her husband at the time, was just the beginning of God’s plan for them.
The couple’s second abortion attempt was canceled because of hurricane Ian, and the third due to a scheduling conflict.
After much frustration and some research, Amber found a Clinic within PreBorn!’s Network on Google. Excited about being able to schedule an appointment for that same day, Amber believed she was finally going to get the abortion she had waiting for.
What Amber didn’t expect, however, was to be asked about her faith by the nurse. Amber admitted that while she was a Christian, her relationship with God had grown distant. Her nurse then asked her if she had prayed about her pregnancy. At this point, Amber broke down. Tears in her eyes, she told the nurse she had not.
As the appointment progressed, Amber began to see God’s hand both in her and her child’s life. During the ultrasound, Amber saw her baby for the first time, noticing its hands folded as if he or she was praying. Along with the ultrasound, Amber also learned that instead of being 10 weeks pregnant, as she had thought, she was 15 weeks pregnant to the day, meaning abortion was no longer a legal option for her in Florida.
After the nurse prayed with Amber, she decided to rededicate her life to Christ. Along with her decision to keep her baby, Amber is receiving support through prayer, community through church, a baby shower, and a parenting development class.
What began as a mission to terminate her pregnancy resulted not only in the saved life of a child, but a recommitment to a relationship with Christ. Praise God for the saving of two souls and His work in Amber’s life!