When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.” But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

And they said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” He said, “Bring them here to Me.” Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes. – Matthew 14:15-19

A need, a command, a solution, and a miracle of multiplication; a story that is not much different than what we have before us today.

There is a great need for us as agents of Jesus Christ to fight for life and advance the gospel. We are commanded to be both light and salt to the world (Matthew 5:13,14), thus becoming the solution to the issues that plague humanity. In doing so, we participate with God, bringing forth the greatest miracles on earth, new life and salvation.

Here’s Her Story: A Miracle of Multiplication

Yeleny and her husband Fabian experienced the miracle of multiplication when they migrated to the United States from Venezuela. Shortly after arriving in the U.S., Yeleny learned she was pregnant. What would have once been exciting news for the couple, quickly turned to apprehension and fear.

Yeleny and Fabian were faced with a great need and a trying situation. They were burdened by financial stress, had no family here, and very little resources—until they came to a PreBorn! Pregnancy Clinic. That is when they experienced true compassion and care.

During their appointment and subsequent ultrasound, they discovered Yeleny was not only eight weeks pregnant, but that she was carrying triplets! That day, Yeleny and Fabian received a free ultrasound, and also found a loving family at PreBorn! They were provided much needed support, encouragement, pregnancy services, and practical help in their time of greatest uncertainty. Most importantly, Yeleny and Fabian heard the gospel and both accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Today, Yeleny and Fabian are proud and happy parents to Macarena, Isabel, and Alan. Their story is a great display of what every seed of generosity can produce. What a miracle of multiplication! One ultrasound saved the lives of three babies that will now be raised in a godly home.

Yeleny and Fabian’s miracle would not have been possible without faithful supporters like you. Thank you for recognizing the need and responding to the command and becoming the solution to the abortion issue.

The need to save babies and souls is greater today than it has ever been. Thousands of babies are waiting for you to stand for life right now. As they wait, their moms and dads are also looking for their greatest need to be met—hearing the gospel and being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

There is no offering too small that cannot be blessed and used by the Lord. We see that plainly in the supernatural story of the loaves and the fish.

Would you consider becoming an agent for God’s miracles to humankind? You are the solution that can fight abortion. Will you offer the Lord your best gift today, your five loaves and two fish?

Together, as we enter 2021, we can witness God perform miracles after miracles with your gift.


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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